Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions govern the legal relationship between the customer and rs tours ag (abbreviated as rs tours) for all services offered on behalf of rs tours ag.


Offers published by rs tours are subject to change and availability, unless otherwise stated.

The final price will be reconfirmed when the tour is ordered, after checking availability.

Purpose of the tour

Tours organized by rs tours include cultural and leisure travel.

For travel for other purposes (e.g. business, medical), prior agreement must be made with rs tours.

rs tours' relationship with travelers

The contract is concluded exclusively between the customer and rs tours.

Tour participants do not have a contract with rs tours or its service providers and cannot assert a claim directly against rs tours or its service providers.

Customer’s own services

If the customer wishes to use the services of rs tours in his own program, he will be responsible for the execution and conformity of the services of rs tours (e.g. scheduling of times and locations).

Services provided by rs tours

The services of rs tours result from the confirmation/invoice associated with the offer.

If certain customers have special requirements resulting from changes to the basic services (disabled-friendly rooms / food intolerances / special assistance / accessibility, etc.), these must be mentioned at the time of confirmation and reconfirmed by rs tours.

Depending on the case, supplements may be applied. For changes notified less than 14 days before departure, the customer must notify the service provider directly on site.

Optional services offered by rs tours must be confirmed by the customer in writing at the time of ordering the tour.

Air travel

rs tours undertakes to name the operating airline as soon as it is determined. rs tours reserves the right to change the airline already named. In such a             case, the customer will be informed of the name change as soon as possible. In the event of a change to the flight schedule imposed by the airline, rs tours will inform the customer. If the new flight schedules are not compatible with the program or are rejected by the customer, rs tours will look for an alternative, with any additional costs being borne by the customer. If air services are booked by the customer, the latter is obliged to inform rs tours of any changes to the timetable, with any additional costs to be borne by the customer if the tour program is affected.

Prices, terms of payment

Prices are agreed upon at the time of ordering the tour and are derived from the confirmation of the offer made beforehand. Prices are NET and can be calculated per person or as a flat rate.

Taxes, confirmed optional services and any handling fees are shown separately. Payment terms are indicated in the confirmation.

Name lists of tour participants

It is the customer's responsibility to provide the names of participants in good time, so that the necessary travel documents from rs tours or service providers can be issued on time. If no deadline has been specified in the order confirmation, the list of participants (for air tickets, hotel accommodation, visas, boat tickets, etc.) must be sent to rs tours one month before departure.

The customer must provide the names and other necessary information corresponding with the identity documents of each traveler.

If the information does not correspond to the documents, the service provider, or even the authorities, may deny the participant the right to travel.

If this is the case, no payment will be refunded.
Travel documents

Unless otherwise agreed with the customer, rs tours sends the travel documents electronically 10 days before the start of the tour. If postal delivery is required, a fee may be charged.

If the total invoice for the arrangement has not been paid, rs tours may refuse to send the documents.

If the number of people changes after the documents have been issued, new vouchers will be delivered electronically, to be replaced in the file by the customer.

Customer-initiated program changes

Changes to the program are only permitted with the consent of rs tours and are subject to feasibility, up to a maximum of 14 days before the start of the tour. For changes made within 14 days of departure, rs tours may charge a fee or refuse the change.

It is possible that timetable changes (which may also affect the services of rs tours) lead to the cancellation of services and require new bookings with possible surcharges.

Change of program caused by rs tours

Prior to confirmation of the tour by rs tours, services, rates and programs may be revised. In this case, the customer will be informed before confirmation.

rs tours reserves the right to modify the itinerary or services agreed upon in the event of force majeure, unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances, strikes or government measures. rs tours may pass on any resulting price changes to the customer.

Tour cancellation by the customer

If the customer cancels the entire tour after the free cancellation deadline has expired, he/she must pay the agreed price. Unless no other cancellation conditions have been specified in the offer (or in the order confirmation), the following cancellation charges apply:

31 days before departure                          no charge

30 - 20 days before departure                          70%

19 - 10 days before departure                            80%

9 days to departure                                        100%

Cancellation must be sent by e-mail during regular office hours. If sent outside office hours or on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays, cancellation charges will be calculated on the basis of the next working day.

Tour  cancellation by rs tours

Should unforeseeable or unavoidable events, force majeure (natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, etc.), government measures of any kind or strikes hinder, endanger or prevent the tour, rs tours reserves the right to cancel the tour. In such a case, rs tours will only invoice the customer for the actual costs that were also charged to rs tours

In deciding whether or not to go ahead with the tour, rs tours relies on the advice of official bodies, international organizations and its local partners and agents.

Customer's responsibility towards his travel participants

It is the customer’s responsibility to provide information to the traveler, regarding customs and police formalities, health regulations, etc.

rs tours may publish non-contractual information about the tour (hotel dress codes, health requirements for more active tours, certain rules of conduct, etc.). The customer is responsible for accepting participants who meet these requirements.

rs tours is in no way responsible if certain participants cannot, for any reason whatsoever, take part in one of the activities or is excluded from the entire trip.

Price changes after confirmation

An increase in established prices may be justified after conclusion of the contract in certain cases, such as:

- Rising transportation costs, including fuel prices and taxes;

- New or increased taxes or public charges (for example landing fees, embarkation or disembarkation taxes at harbors and airports, city taxes);

- Strong exchange rate fluctuations;

- VAT increase.

These additional costs will be passed on to the customer.

If the increase exceeds 10%, you will be informed 30 days before departure. You have the right to cancel the tour by e-mail within 5 days of being informed.

Program changes, service changes and service failures during the tour

rs tours makes every effort to implement the travel program as agreed. However, it is possible that unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances (accidents, force majeure, government measures, strikes, weather conditions, etc.) may lead to changes in the services or in the tour program. rs tours will try as far as possible to provide an equivalent service.

Should the solution result in excessive costs or disproportionate effort, rs tours may refuse the solution. In this case, the costs will be borne by the customer.

Deadline for complaints and requests for problem resolution

If the tour does not correspond to the contractual agreement, or if the customer or his travel participants suffer damage, the customer is obliged to inform the rs tours office in Rheinfelden as quickly as possible and request assistance.

The emergency number can be found in your travel documents sent by rs tours. Failure to notify rs tours may result in the loss of the client's or traveler’s rights.

Data protection

rs tours may transfer your personal data to third-party service providers if this is necessary for the correct implementation of the contract and the tour program.

Third-party service providers abroad are subject to foreign regulations and are required to protect your data in accordance with the standards applicable to them.

rs tours or the third-party service provider may be required to make your data available to or transmit it to government authorities or agencies.

By booking a tour with rs tours, you agree to receive our offers, catalogs, newsletters, etc. You can opt out at any time by contacting us by e-mail:

Applicable law and jurisdiction

All legal relations between the customer and rs tours are governed by Swiss law.

Rheinfelden/Switzerland is designated as the exclusive place of jurisdiction in this matter.


Rheinfelden, July 2024